Friday, March 30, 2012
As usual...I think I'll always love Friday, I dunno why but!!!! I always feel happy&free at that day! <3 wohooo I love Friday. Maybe because I was born on Friday! Btw, today I just knew his name and twitter!!!!!!! Y U NO WHAT I AM FEELING NOW? Wtf I'm not happy as you think because he has a girlfriend. Hueee thankyou hands, NF, 1 year more old than me.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Meet Astri
This is Astri and me [again] doing photo-ing, today.
This is me, doing webcame with a 'R' paper. I love R, the letter cuz it's my first name and also...bye.
Short Love Poems
I like him, I like him, I like him, yeah really madly bady deeply like him. But he even doesn't know about it and I just can see him through distance and this is some poems that relate to my feelings right now.
What is it?His eyes like shining star
Make me stare at him,
His smile like morning glory
Does something in me within,
His everything reminds me of heaven above
Should I say now that I am in love?
When I see you; my heart sinks down to my belly, my legs turn to jelly.
I hear your voice and my ears melt.
This is a feeling I have never felt.
You are my very first thought in the morning, and my last night fall.
I want to grow old with you, I know this feeling is true!
What is this feeling?
May I ask one question?
Can you returned back it soon?
Prankster Do's
Everyone loves to laugh and this is some practical jokes maybe you can do!
Well, happy reading and try it to be a prankster!
a. Thrills and Spills
Make a fake spillage to lay across your friends! Or family's prized possesions!
Prankster Props
• Brown paint • PVA glue • Cup • Greaseproof paper
1. First decide what you want to pretend to spill - tea, coffeee, hot chocolate?
2. Mix some brown paint with some white PVA glue,
make the finished mixture a bit darker than you want
because it gets lighter as it dries.
3. Find the cup you're going to 'spill' and place it on its side on some
greaseproof paper.
greaseproof paper.
4. Carefully spoon your glue mixture onto the edge of the cup forming
a big pool of pretend drink on the paper. It could look like the glue
mixture is spilling out the cup.
5. When it's dry, peel it off the greaseproof paper and the practical joke
is ready. This 'drink' can be spilled anywhere, can be on your
brother's computer or your father's shoes.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Omegle again
Hello buzzz guys, I just talk with someone on omegle text then this is the conversation, short conversation.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: female 16 usa
You: or what's on your mind now?
Stranger: my dead grandpa
You: why them?
You: maybe you can tell.
Stranger: tell what
You: how he can dead? Im sorry to heard that :(( be strong girl
Stranger: he died march 8th from cancer
You: oh:( my grandpa has died 9 years ago and also because of cancer
Stranger: aww sorry
You: nope, we're have same story
Stranger: yeah so u m or f
You: im female
Stranger: oh..
You: hehe :D what are you find on omegle. me....find a handsome guy/ maybe a girl that can be a friend.
You: ?*
Stranger: lol yeah ... where u live
You: Indonesia :D
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
What da very fuckin' conversation? After I said that I'm from Indonesia then she's disconnect -_- OK.
Things that I Love
Well, that's sooo many girls things that I love, I like :) but maybe I didn't have it all and now I'm opened this website to see many picture that very impressive. I would like to tell you and share it all! If you're a girl I think you'll or certainly like this all! Check this out!
Care 4 Ur Money!
Selain peduli untuk uang yang dibelanjakan, peduli sama fisik uang yang kita pegang juga gak kalah penting, lho! Sedih kan kalo ngeliat duit yang lusuh, robek, banyak coretan lipatan, kotor. Kalo uang bisa ngomong mungkin dia udah teriak minta tolong! Ini tips 'sayang uang' from me.
Uang kertas & logam bisa mudah rusak kalo kamu...
- Melipatnya. Karena hal ini membuat lapisan kertas cepet sobek.
- Menggenggamnya terlalu keras.
- Membiarkannya terkena sinar matahari hingga warnanya luntur.
- Disimpan di tempat lembab jadinya logam itu berkarat.
- Bergesek dengan logam lain jadi permukaannya terkikis.
Hal yang bisa kamu lakukan:
- Bisa dengan menyetrika uang tersebut.
- Mencuci uang yang terkena noda merah sirup dengan cara dicelupkan dalam air hangat yang telah diberi sabun lalu di keringkan.
Well thats all my tips, if you're looking for it, maybe you can try! Thanksxo!
Solusi Kulit Remaja
Dear girls,
Kamu yang ngerasa kulit wajahmu berubah begitu saja saat memasuki usia remaja? Wajar sebenernya. Faktor hormon dan kegiatan yang aktif membuat kulit kita memproduksi minyak lebih banyak. selain itu bisa menyebabkan produksi minyak berlebih di wajah. Padahal, kecantikan itu terpancar dari kulit bersih dan bebas minyak.
Myth and Match
Myth 1: Kulit wajah cukup dibersihkan dengan air dan sabun badan.
Match 1: Kandungan dalam sabun tergolong keras dan membuat kulit wajah cenderung kering, lebih baik menggunakan sabun muka dengan moisturizer, selain membuat wajah lebih bersih, ini juga bisa membuat wajah lebih kencang dan kenyal. Jangan lupa juga menggunakan sabun muka yang ph-nya cocok dan baik untuk wajah remaja.
Myth 2: Sering membersihkan wajah = bebas masalah (‾̴̴͡͡☁‾̴̴͡͡)
Match 2: Terlalu sering membersihkan wajah malah bikin kulit kita kering dan memaksa kulit kelenjar kita memproduksi minyak lebih banyak. Oleh karena itu, bersihkan wajah secara teratur-maksimal 3 kali sehari.
Myth 3: Air panas lebih ampuh mengangkat kotoran dan minyak.
Match 3: Uap air cenderung membuka pori-pori kulit dan membuat cepatnya masuk debu-debu ke kulit kita. Lebih baik gunakan air dingin yang membuat kulit kita serasa segar dan menutup pori-pori.
Myth 4: Kosmetik oil free ampuh meangangkat kotoran dan minyak.
Match 4: FYI, produk oil free tetap mengandung sedikit kadar minyak. Makanya, sesegera mungkin kontrol kadar minyak pada kulit. Mungkin bisa menggunakan sabun wajah khusus yang dicantumi tujuan untuk menghilangkan minyak pada wajah. Tapi hati-hati ya memilih produk tersebut! Karena kalau salah justru akan membuat kulit kita tambah berminyak dan mungkin berjerawat.
(Source: COSMOgirl! magz and my own thinking)
I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that. -Lauren Bacall
Kamu yang ngerasa kulit wajahmu berubah begitu saja saat memasuki usia remaja? Wajar sebenernya. Faktor hormon dan kegiatan yang aktif membuat kulit kita memproduksi minyak lebih banyak. selain itu bisa menyebabkan produksi minyak berlebih di wajah. Padahal, kecantikan itu terpancar dari kulit bersih dan bebas minyak.
Myth and Match
Myth 1: Kulit wajah cukup dibersihkan dengan air dan sabun badan.
Match 1: Kandungan dalam sabun tergolong keras dan membuat kulit wajah cenderung kering, lebih baik menggunakan sabun muka dengan moisturizer, selain membuat wajah lebih bersih, ini juga bisa membuat wajah lebih kencang dan kenyal. Jangan lupa juga menggunakan sabun muka yang ph-nya cocok dan baik untuk wajah remaja.
Myth 2: Sering membersihkan wajah = bebas masalah (‾̴̴͡͡☁‾̴̴͡͡)
Match 2: Terlalu sering membersihkan wajah malah bikin kulit kita kering dan memaksa kulit kelenjar kita memproduksi minyak lebih banyak. Oleh karena itu, bersihkan wajah secara teratur-maksimal 3 kali sehari.
Myth 3: Air panas lebih ampuh mengangkat kotoran dan minyak.
Match 3: Uap air cenderung membuka pori-pori kulit dan membuat cepatnya masuk debu-debu ke kulit kita. Lebih baik gunakan air dingin yang membuat kulit kita serasa segar dan menutup pori-pori.
Myth 4: Kosmetik oil free ampuh meangangkat kotoran dan minyak.
Match 4: FYI, produk oil free tetap mengandung sedikit kadar minyak. Makanya, sesegera mungkin kontrol kadar minyak pada kulit. Mungkin bisa menggunakan sabun wajah khusus yang dicantumi tujuan untuk menghilangkan minyak pada wajah. Tapi hati-hati ya memilih produk tersebut! Karena kalau salah justru akan membuat kulit kita tambah berminyak dan mungkin berjerawat.
(Source: COSMOgirl! magz and my own thinking)
I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that. -Lauren Bacall
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Hold A Love
You know I’ve liked you but now I’ve changed its now love, I know it’s true because I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. And its true*hold out* Your name runs through my mind every day. I don’t know what’s all happening, it’s just too fast, all I know is I love you and ill,
never say no never say no I love you I love you I love you I can’t stop your nice, cute, funny, you may think differently but I love you. Ever since the day we met I’ve like you but now its love, your stuck to my mind all the time. I miss you, I miss you I don’t know what’s come over me but I love you.
So, what do you think about the lyric? Its very related to my feelings, he even doesn't know how my truly feeling for him. Outside I'm like don't care at all with him, but inside I'm very very cares about him. I got the lyric from someone on omegle chat, her name is Kacie, 12 years old from USA. Oh yeahhh I think she is too young to wrote this lyric :') but maybe this is her feeling to her first love. Cuz, when we are fall in love, we can't hide the feeling until it really went out.
never say no never say no I love you I love you I love you I can’t stop your nice, cute, funny, you may think differently but I love you. Ever since the day we met I’ve like you but now its love, your stuck to my mind all the time. I miss you, I miss you I don’t know what’s come over me but I love you.
So, what do you think about the lyric? Its very related to my feelings, he even doesn't know how my truly feeling for him. Outside I'm like don't care at all with him, but inside I'm very very cares about him. I got the lyric from someone on omegle chat, her name is Kacie, 12 years old from USA. Oh yeahhh I think she is too young to wrote this lyric :') but maybe this is her feeling to her first love. Cuz, when we are fall in love, we can't hide the feeling until it really went out.
Halo apa kabar? Baik kan? Sekarang tanggal berapa? Gue gak jelas, yaudah gue juga bingung mau ngepost apa, yang jelas gue madly insane sama Tuan Thumnus, tau kan yang main di Narnia? :3 yang jelek itu, tapi dia ganteng loh sebenernya teman-teman. Nama aslinya kata temen gue James McAvoy, gue norak banget. Terus dia itu mirip..... YA, Shia Labeouf, mantan gue yang pertama -_- dia ganteng artis hollywood lagi. Gimana saya tidak naksir kalau dianya ngebuat gue naksir? Oke ini gak jelas. Ada foto nih perbedaan James pas main di Wanted sama di Narnia jadi Tuan Thumnus. Perbedaannya bisa dibilang yah, hmm 100%. Kalo di Narnia dia kayak orang idiot yang begitu deh kaki kuda, tapi di Wanted film action ini, dia.......benar-benar-amat-sangat-ganteng loh!! AHAHA, check it 123!
Di Narnia:
Di Wanted:
Beda kan? Tapi dia mirip sama itu loh...siapa? Kepo lo, maksud gue Shia Labeouf. They are some nice guy in the world, and he is too. K byeee:*
Di Narnia:
Di Wanted:
Beda kan? Tapi dia mirip sama itu loh...siapa? Kepo lo, maksud gue Shia Labeouf. They are some nice guy in the world, and he is too. K byeee:*
Monday, March 5, 2012
Letters to my beloved Mom
Dear mom,
you are the one who can save me
you are the light of my life, just you can understand the lack of me
Now, I feel so sad cause I just made you unhappy
Sometimes I gettin' mad of you, I'm making you angry because no reason, because I'm act like a spoiled little girl. I was didn't meant to do that. I felt you are sooooooooo important to me, you are my MOM. I love you mom, no matter what. Exceed my crush! His noise just disturbing your daughter's life. If I'm mad it's not true!!!! I love you Ibu,
Your beloved daughter,
<3 Nana
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