Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What I learned Today

Hi pal, again and again. Maybe for the I don't know how many times I had been hurted by my friends..

Ok seems over but that was true. At first they seem too nice and like a good friend that I can I share everything with. But just a few days ago I just realized that they were TOO MUCH MAKE UP, I mean they have two faces (muka dua: Indonesian language). When they were hearing my story and responds they seem like they were care enough to me but at least *jeng jeng jeng jeng* they actually don't care at all. How did I know that? I can see that from their gestures..hmm so pfffft I hate them. Once, they were planning to go to watching movie and they weren't ask me to go with them. I felt so umm but ok. From now I don't wanna ask them to go with me and the last thing I learned is..... "Don't easily trust with people who just looks nice but you don't even know themselves in personality." and this one Fake friends are like fall leaves, found everywhere.
So from now be selective to catch all the fakeness! LOL thx:*

Friday, December 7, 2012

I Have A Crush On

I just looked up to my twitter and saw the Trending Topic, and there was #IHaveACrushOn hashtag! Probably people wouldn't say who is her or his crush hahaha either me well here are some #crazyandtruestory bout me lol

#IHaveACrushOn him, yeah of course!
#IHaveACrushOn someone who will probably never feel the same.
#IHaveACrushOn someone who probably doesn't even know I'm exist.
#IHaveACrushOn Harry Styles but he has someone right now lol.
#IHaveACrushOn someone that is not mine. My bad, sorry.
#IHaveACrushOn Nathan well oops! He is maybe doesn't feel the same but I sad lol.
#IHaveACrushOn someone who's way to good for me.
#IHaveACrushOn a guy with blue eyes.
#IHaveACrushOn my bed. We go to sleep together every night.
#IHaveACrushOn someone who likes anybody else right now.
#IHaveACrushOn my ex. Oh well (I don't even have an ex) lol.
#IHaveACrushOn this guy I've been knowing for quite some time.
#IHaveACrushOn someone who doesn't belong to me.
#IHaveACrushOn someone special, out there.
#IHaveACrushOn someone who I will never have a chance with.
#IHaveACrushOn my classmate lol.
#IHaveACrushOn someone that would never have a crush on me.
#IHaveACrushOn someone that I have ever met 2 times.
#IHaveACrushOn umm hell, hi but :herpderp: :megusta:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Im back babe

Hai, panggil aja gue mantannya Harry Styles.
Gak deng, gue boong jangan percaya. Hari ini UAS gue selesai loh teman22, disaat anak2 sekolah lain masih berkutat dengan lingkaran itu. Dan dan dan....bad news-nya gue masih nge-stuck sama doi haha.
Oke gue rasa gue dan doi sangat2 fit&cocok!! Perasaan gue doang kali.
Pertama, kemaren gue ganti tas jadi tas slempang. Terusannya doi juga ganti tas slempang
Kedua, hari ini doi bawa sapu tangan. Dan gak sengaja gue juga bawa
Ketiga, hari ini temen gue mau minjem rautan terus manggil gue "nama gue", eh yang nengok doi sambil ngomong "Apaan?" dan temen gue bilang "emang lo *nama gue*?" Itu kan berarti doi nyadar kalo separoh jiwanya terpanggil :')
Yang gak cocoknya adalah.......
Gue suka sama doi tapi doi naksir cewek lain, takdir kali ya. Cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan huhu
Kalo menurut buku yang baru gue baca sih, "Jika salah satunya tidak memiliki ruang yang cukup untuk cinta, maka cinta itu akan beranjak pergi." - Refrain. Yaudah lah ya *trollface* *foreveraloneface* *ngesotsambilnangis*