Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hi readers, how are you?  -_- apa banget deh ya. Yaudah, hm

This post about........... Cody Simpson, dia ex bf gue *brb muntah darah*
Yeah he was so adorable, what you think? He has a very good voice, I loved it :p
Then he has very cute, handsome, nice, face *_* and yellow/brown hair.

Siap siap kalian yang perempuan siap siap meleleh o.o

Ganteng banget ƪ ( ♥͡▽♥͡ ). Sehabis ngeupload foto-foto ini tadi gue sempet sesak nafas *lebe, wakaka engga lah. OK, this is a bit of his profile:

Real Name: Cody Robert Simpson
Born: January,11th of 1997
Age: 14 years old boy (as of 2011)
Hometown: Gold Coast,Queensland,Australia
Genres: Pop,R&B
Occupation: Singer-Songwriter
Instruments: Guitar,vocals
Years Active: 2009-present
Labels: Atlantic Records
Associated Acts: Flo-Rida
Website: [url=]

His Career
Simpson was born to parents Brad and Angie Simpson. He has two younger siblings, Tom and Alli. He is also a talented swimmer, winning two gold medals at the Queensland Swimming Championships. Simpson trains at the Miami Swimming Club under coach Ken Nixon. Simpson's mother Angie works as a volunteer at the club.

Simpson began to record songs in his bedroom during the summer of 2009 on YouTube, performing "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz, "Cry Me a River" and "Señorita" by Justin Timberlake, "I Want You Back" by the Jackson 5, and his own songs, "One" and "Perfect."

Simpson's rise to recognition was featured on The 7.30 Report in December 2009. He released his debut single, "iYiYi" (which features American rapper Flo Rida) on 15 May 2010. It was digitally released on 30 May 2010. The music video for "iYiYi" was released on 30 June 2010. The music video for Simpson's second single, "Summertime", was released on 20 September 2010.

Simpson moved to Los Angeles in June 2010 to record his songs with Atlantic Records and his producer Campbell. That same month, Simpson appeared on Sunrise. On 22 June 2010, it was announced that Simpson would participate in the Camplified 2010 Tour. 

It's english version, from me...
Gue tau Cody dari majalah, gue sengaja beli majalah itu karena ada cover gambar dia. Dan diliat-liat jadi cari infonya, download lagunya dan mulai jadi maniak. ^_^ Denger-denger dia sempet mau tour ke Indonesia tapi beritanya ilang gitu aja T_T yaudah, I hope soon he will tour here and I meet him u,u

Hasta La Vista readers

Saturday, September 24, 2011


         MoiReaders..sebenernya jujur asli sumpah *lebay-_- gue bingung mau mulai kata darimana, baru aja liat blog seseorang remaja seumuran gue dan ada post yang gue 'banget' dan rasanya hm.,jadi pingin nge-post juga. 
        Sering nggak suka sama orang? Tapi ini beda sisi, elo ngerasa kalo orang itu nggak mungkin suka balik ke elo? Ngenes? Ngarep? Mimpi? Mungkin itu jawabannya. Ngerasa dia nggak mungkin bakal tau perasaan kita *yah maksudnya elo* nggak bakal ketauan dia, atau bahkan dicuekin, ya bodo amatlah mau ada yang naksir sama dia apa enggak. FYI, ini yang gue rasa? Gimana ceritamu? Indomie kali.
             Husss, oke balik lagi. Seneng nggak liat orang yang kita suka senyum gitu *bukan buat kita* tapi rasanya yah seneng aja walaupun ya bukan buat kita-_-. Kadang gue ngerasa "Buat apaan sih suka sama orang yang gak mungkin suka sama kita? Toh dia juga nggak mungkin tau? Nggak mungkin ngerasain hal yang sama juga? Jadi buat apaan gue suka sama dia? Mau sakit hati? Ya nggak mungkin juga kan disukain balik wakaka.
             Jadi menurut gue perasaan, biasa aja, nggak usah suka-sukaan. Namanya pelajar yang dipikirin ya cuman belajar. Tapi kalo di kondisi kayak gini ya pasti susah. Kadang, "Yah namanya juga remaja, sakit hati dikit biasa lah, makan ati daripada makan usus (?). Sering banget saya ngerasain hal ini (ex: bahasa baku). Udah berapa kali ya....... Dan ujung-unjungnya pasti jadi penggalauan masal, nggak jelas sih, suka mendiam, bengong, mikir hal aneh. Gila hahaha. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Justin Bieber?

Today At 02:43 PM

You: hey
Stranger: hellop\
You: asl
Stranger: male 17 canada                    (Justin is male 17 Canada)
Stranger: n u
You: female 15 jakarta
You: how r u?
Stranger: good and urself ?                 (JB usually use "u" not "you")
You: good, im done with my test at school, wbu?
Stranger: i finished school aready lol
You: when?
Stranger: couple months ago lol
You: oh :D lol what r u doin?
Stranger: laying in bed talking to u hahaa wbu?
You: same me too, laying in ma bed :p
You: what wanna talk about?
Stranger: ladies choice haha :)
You: hahaha :D okay u first
Stranger: first for what haha
You: start the topic :o
Stranger: hahha amy bad ok fine uhhh lol pickels hahaha
Stranger: the topic is pickels lol :) (lastnight Selena Loves Pickels is TT)
You: hahaha :/ okaay ,wait i dunno pickels---"
You: thats about selena gomez?
Stranger: hahaha diffrent topic wanna play truth or dare?
You: truth:p
You: u first boy
Stranger: what colour is ur hair
You: black and little bit brunnette ,u?
Stranger: dark brown                               (Its Justin's hair color)
You: cool:]
You: what is ur fav singer?
You: omg *who
Stranger: christofer drew ingle
You: coool:0
Stranger: wbu
You: justin bieber and cody :)
Stranger: nice
You: yes, whats ur fav lesson?
Stranger: math
You: its hard:/
Stranger: its ight
Stranger: do u have bf
You: yep i hate biology'
You: no i haven't, u?
Stranger: no i do not have a bf
Stranger: haahhaa
You: i mean girlfiend :'/ lol haha
Stranger: no
You: sad?
Stranger: i kida want one but sometimes dont
You: why dont? i wish have a bf lol
Stranger: lol idk so are u still a virgen
You: yes im virgin 100% lol
Stranger: why lol
You: yep im still a young girl :pp lol
Stranger: so u have never had sex or anything....?
You: i haven't my mom didn;t aloowed me, lol ,u?
Stranger: yes i have wow i cant belive it
You: hahaha, with who? :0
Stranger: every girl i know has had sex or masterbaited lol my old gf i had
You: oh thats cool :8
You: haha
You: what wanna talk? did u bored?
Stranger: not to sure lol
You: not wanna talk with me? :'
Stranger: what do u wanna talk about ?
You: mmmmm, ur parents?friend? or up to u

-You have disconnected- 

Magosh gua rasa itu JB, dia udah ngasih ciri-ciri kayak JB, rambut, penggunaan kata, umur, asal, dia punya ex gf, dia ngomongin pickels. Tapi pas gua mau tanya namanya siapa dia malah disconnect!! SH*T aaaaaaaaaaa, ngenes wk:'(

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Love Poem


I close my eyes, 
And there you are
You dazzle me
From near and far
Your silhouette
it strikes me too
No other like it, uniquely you;
All perfect curves, 
from head to toe
From hips to calves, 
from eyes to nose;
both inside and outside, 
your brilliance flows
I crave your kiss, 
my heart explodes;
still strong without you, I remain
Though hard it is, each passing day;
I am bolstered too, each sunless night
Your voice I hear, turns dark to light
I want you now, stay near to me
Eyes open wide, still you I see

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


99% orang di omegle gue rasa gak normal, horny semua, sex. 1% nya ganteng-ganteng dan bule kece wkwk, tapi mereka juga horny. 

Kadang gue nemu yang ganteng._. There is some omegle's printscreen that I've 

 NB: Ganteng kan, mukanya kayak blasteran gitu...tapi ujungnya sex-_-: could i see u naked

Wth emang gue apaan Щ(ºДºщ)


 Mukanya sama rambutnya asliiii mirip Dylan Sprouse, sempet melted. Mirip banget deh, tapi sama juga nanyain hal jorok. Dylan ----->
Mirip banget kan.





 Ganteng lagi ini, mukanya mirip Joe Jonas gue liat. TAPI dia telanjaang-__- hm dia nama akhirnya Collins.


 Dan yang ini................



Pas gue chat ini, rambutnya JB sebenernya udah potongan baru, gak flip lagi...tapi ini wkwkw ketauan palsu video. 2 kali ketemu kayak gini tapi sensasinya kayak beneran itu dia wkk.

Ada lagi sssssst...

Yang ini mirip... Christian Beadles!!! JB's close friend

Menurut gue-_-

MIRIP BGT-_- Bener yang kali ini mirip kayak kembar wakaka. Tapi liat dia juga sex, nyuruh gue telanjang. Najis-_-. AAAA ngenes liat ini, tadinya dia udah jorok gitu terus gue bilang: "You're handsome if you don't show it" terus dia nggak lagi, tapi discont. This is Christian




 Selesai disini, masih ada lagi tapi lupa printscreen-_- byee I'll share about it sometimes^^


This song

Ini dia lagu kesukaan gue yang gak pernah kerasa bosen dengernya#.# Gaktau kenapa, setiap hari lagu ini pasti gue denger. Slow sih genre-nya, cocok buat lagi galau wkwk. Biasanya abis pulang sekolah, tiduran, colok headset ke telinga dan search lagu ini. Bosen juga sih kuping gue denger ini mulu-_-, tapi rasanya biasa gak bosen sampe enek wkwk. Lagu ini lagunya Miley Cyrus, yeaah my fav singer, role model, my inspiration^^. Judulnya "When I Look At You" haa judulnya aja gitu. Oke, ini liriknya:

Everybody needs inspiration,
Everbody needs a song.
A beautiful melody,
When the night's so long.
Cause there is no guarantee,
That this life is easy.

Yeah when my world is falling apart.
When there's no light to break up the dark,
That's when I, I, I look at you.
When the waves are flooding the shore,
and I can't find my way home anymore.
That's when I, I, I look at you.

When I look at you,
I see forgiveness,
I see the truth.
You love me for who I am,
Like the stars hold the moon,
Right there where they belong.
and I know im not alone.

Yeah when my world is falling apart,
When there's no light to break up the dark,
That's when I, I, I look at you.
When the waves are flooding the shore,
and I can't find my way home anymore,
That's when I, I, I look at you.

You, appear just like a dream to me.
Just like kaleidoscope colors,
That cover me,
All I need,
Every breath that I breathe,
Don't you know you're beautiful!


When the waves are flooding the shore,
and I can't find my way home anymore,
That's when I, I, I look at you.
I look at you, Yeah, Woah.

You, appear just like a dream to me.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Middle test

Dua jam lalu gue stop, dan ingin nge-post lagi-_-. HMMM, hari Senin besok ini sekolah gue udah ada UTS>< gila kali, baru masuk kurang lebih 3 bulan langsung ujian aja. Otak dan perasaan gue memeras nih wkwk. Aaah, ngeri ya dengan KKM 7,5 aja gue udah ngenes begini. Senin ada pelajaran Prancis, dan gue belom hafal kata kerja Tu, Il, elle, je lah. Haah kembali ke pasrah lagi sepertinya.Tugas gue nilai pas-pasan wk. Apalagi ujian coba ya, stress! T__T. Ngeluh juga tau sih gak guna, cuman berusaha aja :l. Study hard!!

Miley Cyrus to star in God themed comedy film

Singer-actress Miley Cyrus is set to star in an untitled comedy about a broken promise to God, according to reports. The 18-year-old will also produce the film, which will be based on a script by writers Jack Angelo and Sam Brown. Her mother Tish will also assist in producing the project, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The former Hannah Montana star, who is currently dating actor Liam Hemsworth, is already set to star in the upcoming comedy LOL, alongside Demi Moore and Ashley Greene.


Hey gue mau nge-post lagi-_- ini gak jelas sih. Kata adek gue, gue tuh orangnya cepet banget naksir/suka sama orang. YA, gue juga ngerasa kayak gitu Щ(ºДºщ). Misalnya baru liat atau ketemu yang lumayan dikit lah cowok yang seumuran gue eeh guenya langsung gimana gitu ya, dalem hati "Eh, tuh orang ganteng ya, kece" Hmm-_- gak bagus sih suka cepet sama orang. Kesannya semua orang disukain wkwk. Tapi enak juga menurut gue, jadi kalo suka sama orang, terus orang itu ketauan jadian/ udah sm cewek lain jadinya kan ada refreshing--'' gak jadi galau gitu WKWK. Enjoy, jadinya gak beban. Pas liat ada yang lumayan jadi lupa sama yang bikin patah hati^^ (apadeh). Hahaha next gue continue lagi cerita tentang hal ini.

What is Love

           Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection.  Love may also be described as actions towards others (or oneself) based on compassion, or as actions towards others based on affection.
In English, love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure ("I loved that meal") to ("I love my partner"). "Love" may refer specifically to the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love, to the sexual love of eros, to the emotional closeness of familial love.
           This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states. Love may be understood a part of the survival instinct, a function keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species.
(cc: Wikipedia)

Bola Sial

      Halooo gue mau cerita, ini kejadian baru kemaren tanggal 16. Sakit ya--". Jadi pas olahraga jam ke 3, kan anak cewek main badminton yang cowok main bola kaki. Gue main sama Della pas itu, pas lagi mau bales kok bultang tiba-tiba ada bola nonjok muka gue-_-. PLAAK, gue gak ngerasa, kayak slow motion kaget banget plus malu. Yang nendang bola itu Eva, dia gak sengaja pas mau balikin bola dari tempat anak cowok, eh malah kena bagian muka gue><. Puyeng, pusing ya kena bola (pertama kalinya ini) haduuh gak lagi gue mau wkwk. Rasanya kayak mau nangis, tapi malu yah banyak anak-anak. Ya udah, gue tahan terus langsung ke kelas, turun lagi ke UKS. Sempet ngeri udah idung gue rata-_-. Haa tapi untung gak biru^^. Hmhm curhat banget ini.

Im newbie-_-

Hai, gue baru bikin blog-_- hehe (gak ada yang liat juga) wkwkw. Ini blog gue buat untuk nge-share aja, kalo gue BT, curhat. Yaaa jelas, karena hobi gue itu curhat=.= heeehe.